Failing that, they warned BlackBerry risked becoming a niche player in a market driven by scale, or a takeover target. 他们警告称,如果做不到这些,黑莓可能会成为规模为王的手机市场上的一个小众品牌或者被收购的目标。
As to this latest rumor, the alleged takeover target was the first to refute that a deal is in the works. 而对于最新的谣言,传闻被收购的目标黑莓首先跳出来否认交易正在进行。
Sales-pitch documents to the LIA say that SocGen was a probable takeover target, and as such, highly undervalued. 提供给利比亚投资局的销售说明文件称,兴业银行有可能被收购,因此该行的股价已明显低估。
Yet slimmed down to two highly profitable businesses, could Danone itself become a takeover target? 然而消减掉2个高利润的经营项目,达能会成为一个被接管的目标么?
In theory, the steep drop in its market value should make Lehman a more attractive takeover target. 理论上说,市值大幅下跌应该增加雷曼兄弟作为被收购目标的吸引力。
"Indicative, non-binding and highly conditional" takeover proposals are often dismissed in a short statement from the target, with an optional sprinkling of outrage over the risible offer price. “指示性、非约束性、且附带很高条件的”收购要约,往往被收购目标用一份简短的声明给拒绝掉,言辞间时常还对荒唐的报价表示愤慨。
3A hostile takeover is when the target company did not invite or approve an offer to its shareholders. 一次敌意的接管就是目标公司没有邀请企业被收购或允许向股东提出的合并。
Thus, speculation has become a takeover target Pfizer today's hottest topic: Bristol-Myers Squibb? 于是,猜测辉瑞的收购目标成了当前最热门的话题:百时美施贵宝?
If the firm is under levered, does it have the characteristics of a firm that is a likely takeover target? 如果该公司是根据杠杆,是否有特点,坚定这是一个可能的收购目标?
First quantum is mentioned as a potential takeover target amid the dealmaking in Africa. 在非洲的交易撮合热潮中,firstquantum是一个潜在收购目标。
A potential takeover target that has not yet been put in play. 还没有被接受的有潜力的对象。
Before the hostile takeover, the purchaser often buy the stock of the target company to control most of the share. 在恶性接收开始时,买入公司总是大量购入被接收公司的股票以取得多数股权的地位。
And it risks becoming a takeover target itself. 而该企业自身也有可能成为收购的目标。
White knight: A company or individual that is sought out by the management of a takeover target to help it defend against a hostile bid. 白衣骑士,救援者:由被接收的目标公司管理层选出来协助抵制恶意竞购的公司或个人。
Meanwhile the collapse in the share price has lead to speculation that BP may become a takeover target. 同时,因股价的崩盘,有推测称英国石油公司可能会沦为收购对象。
The Securities and Exchange Board of India said the proposals by its takeover panel seeks to protect smaller investors 'by giving them a chance to sell their stake in a company which becomes a takeover target. 印度证券和交易委员会(Sebi)表示,其下属收购委员会的这些提议,力图保护较小的投资者,让他们有机会出售他们在成为收购目标的公司中所持的股票。
Of course, they could become a takeover target themselves, especially if they leave large cash balances in their contingency fund, so the Crown might wish to deploy these in a quest for yield. 当然,英国王室自己也可能成为收购的目标,特别是在应急基金出现巨大现金余额时。因此,王室或许应该用这些钱来创造效益。
Regarding to hostile takeover, many target companies take anti-takeover measures. 针对恶意收购,很多目标公司都采取反收购措施。
Facing the threat of takeover, managers of target company has drive to improve managing manner and increase managing efficiency. 面对被收购的威胁,公司管理层有动力改善经营方式,提高经营效率,有压力减少损害公司利益的自利行为,保障股东利益。
In order to guarantee the fairness of takeover process, the target company's directors shall discharge with fiduciary duty to the company. 为了保证公司收购的公正,目标公司董事应严格履行对公司的信义义务。
Hostile takeover, compared to friendly takeover, gets its name for the characteristic of hostility toward target company by bidder. 敌意收购相对于善意收购而言,以收购者与目标公司(被收购者)管理层相互敌对的特点而冠名。
How to define the relationship between hostile takeover and corporate goverance is the theoretical basis of how to establish target company's anti-takeover system. 如何构建目标公司反收购制度,其理论基础在于如何定位敌意收购与公司治理关系。
A hostile takeover has great impact on the directors of the target company because the directors will probably lose their job or reputation once the takeover is consummated. 在敌意收购中,目标公司的董事无疑是最大的利益受损者,因为敌意收购一旦成功,他们很有可能丧失工作或名誉扫地。
By way of expelling existing managers, hostile takeover makes managers of target company under pressure of being replaced and thus has the function of supervising and inspiring companies with poor management. 它通过收购者强行入驻目标公司,驱赶现有管理层,给目标公司经理层造成被替换的压力,客观上起到监督和激励公司管理层的作用。
Hostile takeover means that where managers of target company are opposed to takeover action, bidder makes tender offers to shareholders of target company to buy their stocks and thus obtain the control of target company. 具体来说,敌意收购是指在目标公司管理层反对被收购的情况下,收购者通过直接向目标公司股东发出收购要约,购买其股份而获得目标公司控制权的一种收购方式。
However, hostile takeover may cause great impact on stock market and interests of shareholders of target company are easily to be harmed during the process of stock trading. 但同时,敌意收购会对证券交易市场造成很大的冲击,目标公司股东在股票交易过程中利益很容易受到侵害。
A business is only to master the specific method of identifying synergistic and can become a takeover target for all possible potential synergies of the companies of the identification and comprehensive evaluation in order to achieve the maximum post-merger synergies, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. 并购企业只有掌握识别协同的具体方法,并能对所有可能成为收购目标的企业进行潜在协同效应的识别与综合评价,才能实现并购后的最大限度的协同,提升企业的竞争力。
Because listed company takeover has huge impacts on the buyers 、 the target company 、 target company 'shareholders 、 the directors of the target company as well as the balance of interest of the whole society, it seems extremely important to regulate it by law. 由于上市公司收购影响到收购人、目标公司、目标公司股东乃至整个社会的利益平衡,所以对其法律规制就显得格外重要。
Takeover defense refers to the measures taken by board or management of target company to resist the hostile takeover. There are serious conflicts of interest between shareholders and the board of target company. 反收购行为是指公司董事会和管理层为抵制收购所采取的一系列措施;反收购行为的背后是目标公司内部股东和董事会、管理层之间激烈的利益冲突。
It first points out that the concept of hostile takeover in this paper is defined based on the attitude of target company management towards hostile takeover with no merit judgment involved. 首先对本文中涉及的收购和反收购概念进行辨析,指出文中所谓的敌意收购概念只是根据目标公司管理层对收购的态度作出的一种分类,并不涉及对收购的价值性判断。